Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Valentines Day

It’s February, It’s Valentines Day. Usually on the 14 February, people all around the world celebrate Valentines Day. On this month you will easily find decoration related to Valentine’s Day. Roses, Dolls, or chocolate, you can choose one of it, and give it to the one that you love. You can express your love to your friends, parents, teachers, and of course your special friend.

What is the origin of Valentines Day?

The Valentines Day begins during the heyday of the Roman Empire, which held a festival every February. The festival called Lupercian Festival. It was held to honor the God of Fertility. During the festivities young men would get to choose their mate. And usually marriage happens. However when Caludius became emperor, he changed the tradition. He didn’t allow the festival because he was afraid that men would refuse their duty to fight because they would not want to leave their wives behind, he outlawed all marriages.

However, there was a catholic bishop, named Valentin, who, understanding love, began to secretly marry couples. When Claudius found out, he had Valentine arrested and ordered put to death. While waiting in jail, Valentine began exchanging letters with the jailer’s daughter and soon had fallen in love with her. The day he was to be beheaded, he wrote her one last note and signed it: ‘From Your Valentine’.

9 komentar:

lusiedulink on 2 Februari 2010 pukul 20.35 mengatakan...

nice site

den-adnan on 2 Februari 2010 pukul 20.35 mengatakan...

berkunjung.... apa ini bu guru??

How to Installing PHP on Windows for Beginner on 2 Februari 2010 pukul 20.45 mengatakan...

i never celebrate valentine day

mas doyok on 3 Februari 2010 pukul 21.06 mengatakan...

saya memilih gak merayakan saja

Ocim on 3 Februari 2010 pukul 21.15 mengatakan...

wew .. i never celebrate valen days hehe

HAPIA Mesir on 4 Februari 2010 pukul 17.27 mengatakan...

saya juga setuju dengan pendapat mas doy@

belajar linux on 4 Februari 2010 pukul 19.08 mengatakan...

saya seperti mas doyok, tidak merayakan...

Acatrazz on 4 Februari 2010 pukul 22.44 mengatakan...

Iya ya ntar lagi dah valentine day's....happy valentine dech...

Peace on 4 Februari 2010 pukul 22.45 mengatakan...

Kagak ngerti apa yang mo disayangi...wkwkwkwk

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